Anesthesiology and Intensive Care department of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine was founded at 1967 and first department chair appointed was Prof. Dr. Halit Ziya Konuralp who, at that period, also functioned as chair of the Department of General Surgery. Later he was replaced by Dr. Faruk Or, Ass. Prof. Anesthesiology. Dr. Cemalettin Öner, Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, joined the department in the following years and became the department chair at 1971 as he advanced to professorship. At that time, department employed three faculty- two as university lectors and one as a staff anesthesiologist- and nine residents.
The period from 1971 to 1988 witnessed great developments in terms of building departmental infrastructure, organization and modernization with Chairman Prof. Dr. Cemalettin Öner. He founded the first critical care unit of our faculty at 1971 and further developed that unit to become the most distinguished intensive care unit of that era. Besides providing graduate and postgraduate academic anesthesiology, critical care resident, nurse and paramedical staff education, the department also succeeded in getting a library. Following retirement of Prof. Dr. Cemalettin Öner at 1988, a former student of him- Prof. Dr. Kutay Akpir -was elected as chairman of the department. Kutay Akpir has retired at 2009 after 21 years of exemplary department management. His retirement has succeeded in the election of Prof. Dr. Lütfi Telci.After his retirement in 2009; Prof. Dr. Lütfi Telci was elected as the chair. Prof Telci was retired in 2017; the new chair since that time is Prof Dr Mehmet Kamil Tuğrul.

As Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, our mission is to cultivate highly qualified consultants of anesthesiology, critical care, and pain medicine, to provide top quality health service to patients, and to encourage scientific activity that leads clinical pathway.
As Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, our vision is to nationally become the most prestigious center, and internationally to reach a distinguished status in providing scientific research, training consultants and state-of-the-art health service. Our indispensable values are the devotion to scientific and ethical principles, the respect of patient autonomy and rights, and the encouragement of individual initiatives with a cooperative team effort.
Undergraduate Education
The Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care is responsible for the education of medical students in different phases of their education. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation education is provided for the medical students during their first year. Two lectures about artificial airway and basics of artificial ventilation is given by our department to 2nd year medical students. At 3rd year of the Medical School, Oxygen Therapy, Evaluation of Blood Gases Analysis and Principles of Blood Transfusion lectures were given by Anesthesia Dept. during “Respiration” and “Blood” modules respectively. Basics of anesthesia, intensive care and pain medicine is part of core curriculum of 5th year medical students. These students receive 23-hour lectures and 5 day hands-on practice in operating rooms, intensive care units and pain clinic. This curriculum is repeated every six weeks for new students.
Postgraduate Education
Residents are provided with a 5-year detailed training program, a handbook for beginners, an annual education program, and a logbook.
The Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Residency program lasts five years. This duration includes rotations in other clinics such as Cardiology, Pulmonology and also in all surgical disciplines according to their experience as well as General ICU, Neurosurgical ICU and Emergency Department.
The weekly Clinical Training Meeting (A resident and staff joint meeting held on Wednesday mornings that includes seminars, ideas for improvement, and theoretical and practical education)
Journal Club (once per month), Seminars (on Wednesday and/or Thursday mornings) and daily lectures and discussion of preoperative visits at each rotation are some examples of structured educational activities. Additionally each resident must complete “CPR”, “Difficult Airway”, “Peripheral Nerve Blocks”, “Intraoperative Mechanical Ventilation” and “Trauma” courses before graduation.
The clinic is widely spread and well integrated inside the university hospital complex. It includes 6 different buildings with 40 operation rooms, 5 intensive care units, a pain medicine ward and numerous remote locations for various interventional and diagnostic procedures.
The department provides medical service to 40 in- and out-patient surgical rooms and approximately 25000 patients per year. Intensive care unit has 16 beds and treats 1000-1200 patients/year. Pain clinics treats approximatively 3000 in- and out-patients /year.
Furthermore, department faculty is responsible in management of Neurosurgical Intensive Care, Emergency Surgical Intensive Care and Orthopedics Intensive Care Units. Department has also appointed an anesthesiology preoperative clinic primarily dedicated to provide anesthesiology consultancy for out-patient surgery since 1990 and 10000 patients per year have pre-anesthetic evaluation.
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Email : itfanesteziyoloji@istanbul.edu.tr